Synopsis: The couple date other unsuspecting people mainly for money and perks until they bite off more than they can chew when they meet the enigmatic Mr. Douglas (expertly played by Majid Michel). Suddenly this seemingly harmless game of ‘hit & run’ turns into a deadly game of high stakes where the winner takes all. This movie marks the directorial debut of Emem Isong who also produced the work.
Majid Michel & Tana Adelana
Some cast & crew 'Champagne' (US Shoot)
Padita Agu & Mbong Amata
James Costello & Emem
Tana with Susan Peters & Emem
The movie was shot in Johannesburg, South Africa and Houston Texas, U.S.A, ‘Champagne’ also stars Tana Adelana, Mbong Amata, Susan Peters & Padita Agu. The movie was associate produced by Uduak Oguamanam, cinematography was by Beanca and Tom Robson on the South African end and James Costello on the American end. It screens in cinemas in Nigeria as from December 19th. Make sure you go see it when it comes out!